Parasound JC3+ er en av John Curl’s legendariske phono forforsterkere. Hans tilnærming til å forsterke ekstremt lave signaler gir lytteren den beste sjansen til å oppleve musikken slik den er tenkt gjengitt. I Parasound JC 3+ er den fysiske kretstopologi så kompakt som overhodet mulig for å minimalisere påvirkningen av ekstern støy. Hver kanal har sitt eget kretskort og hver kanal er helt lukket i sitt egen ekstruderte aluminiumshus. Dette huset skiller sensitive kretser fra strømforsyningen og fra eksterne støykilder.
Parasound JC 3 er en av Halo seriens i alt 7 modeller som er på Stereophil’s “Recommended Component” liste for 2016.
-The Absolute Sound 2016 High-End Buyer’s Guide- ‘’Best Phono Stage’’
“As with the JC 1 and 2, the construction quality of the Halo JC 3 is first-rate.”
We,ve heard few better sounding designs at any price, and this makes it an exceptional product.
Omtaler av Parasound Halo JC3+
This sturdy, well-built, and – at nearly 20 pounds – quite beefy unit, represents electronics wunderkind John Curl’s latest thinking on affordable phono pre-amplification. The results are magical: impressively wide dynamics, superb neutrality, excellent detail retrieval, wide staging, holographic imaging, and more than a whiff of the air and ambiance one gets from great tube gear. In the real world, it doesn’t get much better.
– Stereo Times
The JC 3+ conveys a heady mix of profound silence and kick-butt energy.
-The Absolute Sound 2016 High-End Buyer’s Guide- ‘’Best Phono Stage’’
Parasound Halo JC 3 er på Stereophile’s Recommende Components Class A liste for 2014 og 2015 !
Product of the year (Phonostage of the year)
– the absolute sound 2012
Editor’s choice 2012
– the absolute sound !
“As with the JC 1 and 2, the construction quality of the Halo JC 3 is first-rate.”
“Like the Vendetta, the JC 3 wasn’t merely quiet, or even really, really quiet-it was silent.”
“In every case the portrayal of the recorded acoustic was exquisitely detailed.”
“It’s superb at both frequency extremes, and tonally it’s as close to neutral as any component I’ve heard.”
“Highly recommended!”
– Stereophile Brian Damkroger
Parasound,s Halo JC3+ phono stage indeed stands out: beautifully designed and built, it also boasts a good range of facilities. We,ve heard few better sounding designs at any price, and this makes it an exceptional product.
- Frekvensrespons
- 20 Hz – 20 kHz, +/- 0.2 dB
- Total harmonisk forvrengning
- < 0.005% at 20 kHz
- Signal/Støy-forhold (MM)
- > 86 dB, input shorted, IHF A-weight
- > 80 dB, input shorted, unweighted
- Signal/Støy-forhold (MC)
- > 75 dB, input shorted, IHF A-weighted
- > 70 dB, input shorted, unweighted
- Overhøring mellom kanalene
- 72 dB ved 1 kHz
- Phono Inngangsimpedans
- MM setting: 47k ohm
- MC setting: 47k ohm or 100 ohm
- Utgangsimpedans
- Ubalansert: < 100 ohm
- Balansert: < 100 ohm per leg
- Inngangsfølsomhet ved at 1 kHz
- MM: 4mV in ved 1.0V output
- MC: 0.4mV ved 1.0V output
- Total Gain
- MM: 47 dB
- MC: 68 dB
- XLR Pin Identification
- 1 = Jord (Shield)
- 2 = Positiv
- 3 = Negativ (Return)
- AC Power Requirement
- 115 eller 230 VAC 50 – 60 Hz
- 12 watt
- Størrelse
- Bredde: 17 1/4″ (437 mm)
- Dybde: 13 3/4″ (350mm)
- Høyde med føtter: 4 1/8″ (105mm)
- Høyde uten føtter: 3-1/2″ (89mm)
- Vekt
- Netto: 18 lbs. (8.2 kg)
- Rackmontering
- HRA 2 (Må bestilles separat)